Adding Parameters to Crystal Reports

This should be done by a Crystal Report writer or by someone who has a good knowledge in coding Crystal Reports.

CAMMS will not be responsible for any modifications made to new and existing reports

STEP 1: Open the Crystal Reports application and load the required report.

STEP 2: Navigate to the field explorer and select the new parameter field.

Creating a new parameter

STEP 1: Enter a descriptive name for the Parameter name.

STEP 2: Select the Data Type.

STEP 3: Select the List of Values.

STEP 4: Select the Value Field.

STEP 5: Click 'OK' to save the information.

STEP 6: Open the formula workshop by navigating to Selection Formulas > Record.

STEP 7: Once the Formula workshop is open add your selection code by starting with AND or OR.

STEP 8: Add the parameter description as it is exactly in the report.

STEP 9: Click "Save" once you have added all the parameter information.

The report can now be tested within the Reporting menu.

Ensure you take a backup of the 'CustomReports' folder when upgrading cammsstrategy.  The default location is C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cammsstrategy\CustomReports.  After the upgrade is complete please restore this folder CustomReports from your backup.




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Last revised: September 04, 2018