Actual for a Scorecard (as shown in the below example 104.9) is the sum of the weighted performance of each KPI that belongs to this scorecard). Individual KPI Actuals (as shown in the example below 50.5, 41, 0, 6090, 43) cannot simply be added or averaged to produce the overall performance actual listed in the Scorecard.
STEP 1: First the KPI Performance is calculated using its Target and Actual values – the formula depends on the Calculation Method which is selected when creating the KPI (see KPI Performance Calculations).
STEP 2: This performance value is multiplied by the weightage given to the KPI from within the Scorecard ‘Build’ area.
Steps 1 and 2 are repeated for each KPI listed in the Scorecard and the resulting values (a scorecard with 5 KPIs will generate 5 values) are summed. This is what displays as the Overall Scorecard Performance Actual.
The Target entered within the Scorecard > Build tab is a Target for this Scorecard only. It is not related to the individual KPI Targets. This Target is what is displayed as the Overall Scorecard) Performance Target (as shown in the above example, 90).
Thus the Overall Performance Traffic Light indicator is generated by comparing the Overall Performance Target against the Overall Performance Actual.
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Last revised: September 04, 2018