The ‘Move To‘ function allows for movement of goals, outcomes, strategies and actions to different elements.
The ‘MOVE TO’ function is generally used only after a minor amendment of the Strategic Plan where some goals, outcomes and strategies have been amended and renumbering is required. Once your plan has been formalised further changes should not be usual.
Click on the ‘Move To’ dropdown and select a new ID number and the element will be moved and automatically re-numbered.
Changes cascade downward. For example if you move a goal changes will cascade down to its outcomes, strategies and actions. The Move To ensures that any linkages, for example risks or Key Performance Indicators remain linked to the relevant planning hierarchy (which may now sit under a different level or have a new name and number).
Changes in the organisational hierarchy can be accommodated simply by changing the linkage. For example changing the Directorate a business unit belongs to.
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Last revised: September 04, 2018